Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is the global standard for process modelling and one of the most important components of a successful Business-IT-Alignment.
More and more organisations are using BPMN and in more and more universities BPMN is taught as a subject. These are the reasons:
每日一道理 因为自信,在呀呀学语时,我靠着纤嫩的双腿,迈出人生的第一步;因为自信,我一次次将第一名的奖状高高举起;因为自信,我毫不吝惜地剪掉飘逸的长发,在运动场上展现风采……感谢自信,它给了我一双翅膀,让我在电闪雷鸣中去飞翔,在风雨中去搏击人生!
- Standard
- BPMN is not owned by a certain enterprise but by an institution ( ), which is already established through other world-wide standards, e.g. UML. The standard is supported by many software products; you are less dependent on any particular vendor's products. Simplicity
- The principle behind BPMN is rather simple which is why you can very quickly work with this notation. Power of expression
- If necessary, with BPMN you can describe precisely how a process functions. This is however more difficult than describing the process only roughly. This way of precise modelling is possible, but not mandatory. Implementation in IT
- BPMN has been primarily developed to support a technical implementation of processes ("Process Automation"). The more important the IT is in a company, the more helpful is the use of BPMN.
文章结束给大家分享下程序员的一些笑话语录: 面试官:熟悉哪种语言
应聘者:JAVA 面试官:知道什么叫类么 应聘者:我这人实在,工作努力,不知道什么叫累 面试官:知道什么是包? 应聘者:我这人实在 平常不带包 也不用公司准备了 面试官:知道什么是接口吗? 应聘者:我这个人工作认真。从来不找借口偷懒 面试官:知道什么是继承么 应聘者:我是孤儿没什么可以继承的 面试官:知道什么叫对象么? 应聘者:知道,不过我工作努力,上进心强,暂时还没有打算找对象。 面试官:知道多态么? 应聘者:知道,我很保守的。我认为让心爱的女人为了自已一时的快乐去堕胎是不道德的行为!请问这和C#有什么关系??--------------------------------- 原创文章 By